House Call With Dr. Sturm
The jet-setting German physician stops by the home of VIOLET GREY founder Cassandra Huysentruyt Grey to dispense treatments and advice for clear, glowing skin.
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Regular doctors dispense first aid. Dr. Barbara Sturm, on the other hand, dispenses first-class aid. The Düsseldorf-based physician is an unparalleled globe-trotter, zipping around the world to administer bespoke treatments to the likes of Kim Kardashian West, Emma Roberts, and Angela Bassett. Wherever Sturm touches down, a flock of eager, would-be patients follows. So what’s the draw?
Well, it could be that she’s a great advertisement for herself—her passport (thick, wrinkled, peppered with unusual marks) is the opposite of her complexion (unlined, porcelain, poreless). Or it could be her record of employing unorthodox therapies to spectacular effect, like the time she healed Kobe Bryant’s knee with his own blood (it’s true, Google it). Another factor: the wild popularity of her eponymous skin care line, in which the Teutonic simplicity of the products’ names (“Face Cream”) belie their efficacy. But above all else, Dr. Sturm is an excellent hang, kind, tolerant, witty and in possession of an excellent bedside manner. Which, given the jetlag she must endure, is no small feat.
There is, however, one small downside to Dr. Sturm: good luck getting an appointment. Which is why we approached her with a proposition: let us film you treating a patient—in this case, VIOLET GREY founder Cassandra Huysentruyt Grey—so that we might benefit en masse from your wisdom.